Starlight Fixed Star Stories from your Natal Chart

 Starlight Reports by Bernadette Brady
What do the 
tell you in 
Your Cosmic Portrait at birth?

Learn the Foundational Make Up of your Current Life

(Know Your Setting and Rising Stars)

$22 Natal Report 
(20 - 25 pages approximately)

Starlight is a virtuoso program for helping you discover the sky, the myths and the meanings of fixed stars that were highlighted at your birth.

This computerized report shares the 

1) Gift from your Ancestors at birth


2) The Gift from the Immortal Beings at your birth

Knowing these two gifts--plus the other fixed stars that assist you in early childhood, young adulthood, and later years of life---will awaken and remind your soul of your Mission.

This report provides a comprehensive overview (using story and metaphor) if you want to know where your SUPPORT is coming from and WHAT you agreed to in this lifetime.

Want a report? 

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Email me your birth information as follows and I will subsequently send you a PayPal invoice:

Name: First and Last Name
Date of Birth: (eg. 13 September 1960)
City of Birth:
State of Birth:
Country of Birth:

Your Current Residence: (City, State, Country)

Exact Time of birth: 12:05 AM (morning) or 12:05 PM (evening) Please make note of morning or evening for clarification

Sharing Excerpts from a Sample Report....

"On the day you were born, you not only gained the magic of your horoscope, you also gained the myths and meanings of a sky full of stars. Not all the stars, just those that formed links to your natal planets via what is called parans. By considering the star parans in your life you will be encountering a whole new (though very old) layer of myth and meaning to your chart. Welcome to your Stars. Each star has a unique and wonderful pattern of visibility for any given place on earth. Some stars will be visible for a period in the night, yet later in the year they will fail to appear and be lost to the view of stargazers. Others will also rise or set at night, but instead of disappearing from view altogether, they will lose touch with the horizon and spend the whole night being visible in the starry sky. Yet both these sorts of stars will eventually return to rising or setting during the night, with each individual star doing so on a particular date of the year. However, there is also another set of stars that do not partake of this dance and are always visible, and never sink beneath the horizon, spending every night circling around the pole. 

To the Egyptians the stars were deities and so these annual star patterns had strong religious significance. The never setting circumpolar stars were considered to be the Immortals for these are the deities that never died, the stars that never set. But the stars that rose or set during the course of the year were the deities who moved between the world of humans and the world of the Immortals, or the Underworld, the place the stars journeyed when they disappeared from view. These were the deities who communed with humans, the deities who were approachable and open to prayer. 

Such stars would, according to their unique rhythm, reappear at set calendar dates. If they reappeared from the Underworld, they would rise just before, or with, the rising sun and be called the Heliacal Rising Star. This star was considered the ruling deity for a period of time until the next star in the annual cycle re-emerged from the Underworld. Or, if the star came back from the realm of the Immortals and once again touched the earth, they would appear to set just before, or with, the rising sun and be called the Heliacal Setting Star. This star can also be considered the ruling deity for a period of time until the next star in the cycle appears to descend from the Immortal realm. So important were these times of the return of a star that the Egyptians based their religious calendar around such events and built temples designed to capture the returning star's light onto the altar of the deity. 

Thus, there will be at least two stars that rule the period of time and place in which you were born. 

One star will be the most recent to have returned from the Underworld and the other would have returned from the realm of the Immortals. 

Both stars have significance for you. Occasionally more than one star can return on the same day so some people will have more then one Heliacal Rising Star or more than one Heliacal Setting Star. These stars, and their meanings, are guiding principles in your life. 

Your Heliacal Rising Star is: 

Alphard, Heart of the Water Serpent

To lead a life close to the edge, or to seek intense emotional encounters This is the star that has been walking the path of the underworld and has now emerged to be visible in the world of humans. This star, the Heliacal Rising Star, is the star that you were born under and it will bear gifts to you from the land of your past, your family and your genetics. It is your gift, the jewel or the treasure, which your ancestors handed you at your birth. This star is a theme in your life; helps to build your philosophies, and can at times take on a vocational pulse.

With Alphard in such an important position on the day of your birth, claiming the Sun on the day you are born, you would need to be aware that your life is connected to the great serpent. Intense, transforming, and really only now becoming conscious in the human mind, this star can be vicious. This is the Heart of the Serpent and she holds great wisdom, but only if you hold back from her impulse to strike. Your life path therefore needs to be filled with conscious creative passion in order to reap the benefits of such a powerful star. You will need to have intense emotional encounters in order to feel alive, but be sure that these encounters are full of creative passion.

Your Heliacal Setting Star is: 

Deneb Adige, The Shaman's Star

To seek the hero's journey, a desire to become aware This is the star that has been living amongst the immortals of the pole, and has now, at the time of your birth, returned to earth. This star is known as the Heliacal Setting Star and is a gift or treasure given to you from your spirit, from your immortal soul, from your daemon. This star represents goals that you reach for; vocations that motivate you, and the spiritual pathways that you seek. This star represents your doorway to the immortals, or your journey towards a fulfilled life. That which gives you the greatest happiness. Deneb Adige is a focused and forceful, but also spiritual, star. The Egyptians saw this star as the exit of the birth canal of Nut, the great starry sky goddess. Through her birth canal the Sun, Ra, was born anew every winter solstice. Deneb Adige, in such an important position on the day of your birth, indicates that you are willing to take the hero's journey, you are willing to undergo the journey of self-awareness. You will be actively seeking awareness, not in a gentle mystical manner, but rather in a practical hands-on way. 

(And the reports continue to share your myth and magic for this lifetime.... in roughly 16 or more pages!)

Bernadette Brady is the author of Predictive Astrology, the Eagle and the Lark (Weisers 1992, 1998) and Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars (Weisers USA 1998). Brady is a international astrological lecturer, and co-principle of Astro Logos. She lives in Bristol, UK and is currently undertaking the Masters Program at Bath Spa University College in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology.


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